Fun Woman Sex Mother

An Attitude of Gratitude is essential for the Goddess Self Respect Project.

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Life’s all in the way we see it right?

This morning I tore open the curtains and tentatively opened the window to find the morning air didn’t immediately ice over my nose. Whoop! No. It’s mid Autumn and this Melbourne morning is sweet, cool and sunny. …Le sigh.

I get in my car, drop my little guy off to school, exchange smiles with some kids and parents and get going for a decaf (swiss water method only) and a walk down the River. So, I’m driving along and pass a man in a van smiling his head off. He was 60 something, long grey hair and looked distinctly like Dr David Suzuki. Awww. Feel that! It’s amazing the power of a smile. It’s contagious!

Continuing on my way, my heart light as a feather, I’m driving down a busy back street and pull over to let a stream of vehicles through. I love this practice cos I sit back and get all the ‘thank you’ waves from fellow humans and feel loved. Hahaha

Really, it is all in the way we see life isn’t it! I remember seeing a magic silver ball rolling across a country road once and said, “Wow! what’s that silver ball?” to my mate Gerard who was driving. “Gee, i wish I saw life like you do!” he replied. (As it had been a coke can wind blown across the road.)  Ah…yeh…maybe I should wear my spectacles more.

Speaking of spectacles, until recently, I had this theory that guys really like chicks in glasses. I get so many more sultry looks from chaps when I get my librarian on. Then I realised that maybe I can just actually SEE what’s going on when I’m wearing glasses. Oh dear.

Anyway, now Im at my coffee spot. And Look! i’ve just been given an E for brekky! Bickies for brekky. Ah them were the dayz.

E for breakfast

Practice your Attitude of Gratitude and

Injoy darlings,

Fun Woman xx